Monday, February 15, 2010

National consultation on save girl child 20 - 21st march 2010

venue - village Malwa Ambala (Harayana)

Dear all , As we are all aware that the decline of the girl child in India is a problem of deep-rooted societal discrimination against women and girls; one that has found foothold in the proliferation of cheap and readily accessible sex determination technologies, such as sonograms and ultrasounds. Through foeticide, infanticide and the intentional neglect of girls and young women, the women of India are fast disappearing. Also, decades-old government population programmes intended to encourage family planning and the “two-child norm”, have correlatively encouraged sex selective elimination (SSE), eroding the value of the girl child, and stripping women of their reproductive decision- making power. In some of the worst affected areas, such as the states of Punjab and Haryana, the scarcity of women is so acute that women and girls from impoverished outlying states are trafficked in the purpose of marriage.
After Punjab , Harayana this problem has become a big social evil even in states of Himachal pradesh , Delhi , Rajasthan ,Maharashtra , Gujarat , Tamil nadu , Uttar pradesh , Madhya pradesh . Center for advoacy and research which is woking on PNDT act for many years , believes that law is complete in itself , its just that the implementation of it is a big failure , both government ad public are are reason for it . Illetracy , desire of male child , social norms and values have also added for the failure . As we all know that Asha Parivar harayana is working on this problem for quite along time in the states of harayana by spreading awareness and uniting people . since the magnitude of problem is not only restricted to Harayana and Punjab but has also spread to Himanchal pradesh , Delhi , Rajasthan , Gujarat , Maharashtra , Uttar pradesh , Tamil nadu , Jammu kashmir , hence we have decided that our fellowmen who are working in various state should also come together and discuss to solve the problem . It is our humble request to come together and stand against this inhuman practise of taking away lives , of thousands of girl child even before they come into this world . It is a matter of great shame for all of us when India is advancing and moving ahead in every sphere of life , but the bias against girl child is still prevailing in the country which is killing them every day.

Schedule -

Tea and Registration 9am to 10.30

20 th march from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm

Session- -1         Women empowerment and Female-foeticide

                            20th march from 3pm to 5pm
Session-2            PNDT act and its Implemention

                            Cultural Programme - 6.00pm to 8pm

                            21st march - 9am to 12.00 noon

Session-3            of youth in save Girl child campaign

                           21st march 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

Session-4            Future strategy and recommendations
How to reach Malwa -Malwa is 22km from Ambala cant Railway station and frequent buses are available from ambala cant railway station please inform us as soon as possible ur arrival schedule. Ambala is situated in centre of punjab ,Himanchal and Haryana
ORGANISED BY- Asha Parivar, National Alliance of peoples movement, Haryana Sarvodya mandal, Mahila Aalekhan evam sandarbha Kendra ,Beti bachao Abhiyan haryana,

Contacts-Gurmukh singh ,09467474707,09416985157, Faisal 09313106745